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Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Secrets to Fast Weight Loss

If you want to learn the secrets to fast weight loss without pills or any of that stuff then here are a few laid out for you. Just remember that losing weight takes time and effort just like anything else.

1) The first secret to lose weight fast is eating at the right times. Start with breakfast right when you wake up and avoid skipping any meals after that. Make sure to plan ahead if you must and bring a snack to work or whatever. Eat a small meal about every three hours to avoid hunger and the urge to over eat.

2) Another secret to lose weight fast is to cut your calories the right way. I am sure you have at least heard of calorie counting and maybe have found out how many you need. If not then search online for calorie calculators. Once you know make sure to eat enough every day so you know you are losing a safe amount of weight fast.

3) Avoiding sugary sweets is another big secret to weight loss. Refined sugar that is always abundant in cookies and ice cream is absorbed into the system fast. If it is not burnt off right away then it will turn into fat. It may be safer to eat foods higher in fat than eat sugary foods.

4) Make sure you understand what it means to lower your fat intake. Many people believe that avoiding any kind of fat will produce the fastest weight loss results. This is not true. You should avoid trans fat and limit your intake of saturated fat. Make sure you get your fat calories from foods rich with healthy fats like beans, nuts, and oils.

5) Drink water and green tea. Water is known to help wash away fat. But green tea is known to really help burn the fat off your body. It is a powerful natural supplement that should not be underestimated. Try to drink six glasses of water a day as well as one or two cups of green tea.

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